Lipa Meir & Co. has one of the most diverse and competent departments that specializes in telecommunications and IT technologies law. The department represents leading Israeli companies that are engaged in the development, manufacture and export of various telecom equipment and solutions to ISPs and operators worldwide, in the fields of IT solutions, fast Ethernet and routers, switching equipment and wireless broadband equipment.

Furthermore, the Telecommunications and IT Technologies Department specializes in the various regulatory aspects of this industry, having assisted its clients, inter alia, in supply and installation contracts, licensing contracts, distribution and reseller agreements, out-sourcing of manufacturing services to corporations in China and other countries in Asia, as well as in certification for various telecom equipment.

Among the major Israeli clients served by Lipa Meir & Co’s Telecommunications and IT Technologies Department are Telrad Networks Ltd. (a publicly traded company whose shares are traded on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange) and BATM Advanced Communications Ltd. (a publicly traded company on the London Stock Exchange).

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