Lipa Meir & Co. specializes in representation of companies and business people in administrative petitions before the Supreme Court (presiding as a High Court of Justice), as well as in Administrative Courts and other administrative tribunals in various cases.
The firm specializes in petitions to revoke legislation or regulations, questioning the legality of regulations, questioning regulatory decisions, overruling of municipal tax billings, and the like. Alongside with petitions on issues of principle, the firm is focused on obtaining practical results via the use of administrative proceedings, which in many cases translate into substantial financial compensations. The Litigation Department also specializes in tender related litigation, including tender challenging and representation of tender committees.
An example of significant cases handled in recent years by Lipa Meir & Co. in this practice field includes the petition by Clal Insurance Group and Psagot Investment Group (leading financial entities in Israel) against the Ministry of Finance regarding the “Safety Pillow” (the petition has a total value of 2.5 billion NIS), and the petition of the Israeli Association of Accountants regarding the annual omnibus legislation act. The firm represents the country’s largest companies and bodies in regard of administrative litigation, among them municipalities, Clalit Healthcare Services, Mekorot – Israel’s national Water Company, and more.

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